Micheal Ray Nguyen Stevenson, better known by his stage name Tyga, is a well-known American rapper. Born of mixed Vietnamese-Jamaican parents, Tyga was influenced by a low socioeconomic background and street life during his childhood. His cousin introduced him to rap music that made a major impact on his life and encouraged him to take up music as a profession. There are various stories about the origin of his nick name, Tyga. He made it big with his music albums and mixtapes made in collaboration with other big names in the world of rap. His music videos are known for explicit scenes and deep meaning lyrics. He has also produced and acted in a few adult movies. His career has had its ups and downs with a Grammy nomination and Much Music Video Award on one hand with several legal issues on the other. His personal life has also been turbulent, with a string of girlfriends and a son born out of marriage. After three successful albums, his fourth album had problems being released. He has a number of friends in the rapping circle and fans on social media who wish him well.
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